About us
One family’s toilet dilemma
This website was set up by a family with a child who struggles with sensory issues in public toilets. Visiting public toilets has always been challenging for us. Even disabled toilets often contain noisy hand dryers, automatic air fresheners and other features which may cause anxiety. Following a particularly tricky visit to London, which involved a lot of walking around looking for suitable toilets, we started noting down the features of the toilets we had come across so that if we visited again we would be able to return to the ones we liked. We also hoped that making notes would help us see trips to public toilets as project research, and might make the experience a little less stressful.
The start of Public Toilet Info
The toilet database started as a simple spreadsheet. The project then expanded into this website in the hope that similar people might find the information useful, and might add their own information. The database is currently small, but we hope it will grow over time. We’d like to encourage others to add to it (please click here to send us information).
We're only a small startup, but you can help us grow!
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We want to be here for anyone who needs us. We also want to find new people to submit toilet information to the site.
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